Monday, August 9, 2010

Spaghetti Ice Cream

I am always looking for desserts that  make a child's eyes dance with excitement.
It's no secret here in the ice cream parlors of Germany what the top attraction for children is.

They say it was invented in Mannheim, Germany in the sixties.
It's fun, unique and now you can make it at home.

Start with a meringue or a scoop of vanilla ice cream in your bowl.

(Thank you for the use of this picture)
Run another scoop of vanilla ice cream through a
ricer or Spaetzle Press.
If you want to you can go out to
and order their product.
If you are making it for a large group of people put your ice cream in bowls and place it back in the freezer before you serve it.  After you take it out add

 strawberry sauce to top your spaghetti and grate white chocolate
over it to create the illusion of grated parmesan cheese.
Add some meatballs with Ferrero Rocher.
This dessert never fails to delight children of all ages.

Mac gives it 3 thumbs up and says to tell you, "A dessert that makes a child smile is worth the time and effort!"

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